Social franchise
“Superheroes School: A Guide to Implementation”

We have created the world's first social franchise, which is a step-by-step guide on how to create a Superheroes School in a medical institution. With each new School, it is supplemented and improved. Having become a state institution, we gave the social franchise to the most powerful of franchisees - the state of Ukraine. So if you want the Superheroes School to start working in your hospital, fill out an application for creating an educational center in a healthcare facility.
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Why is this important?

All hospitals have children in treatment who are unable to exercise the basic right to education and who need to take a school or alternative program.

We have described the experience of the volunteer educational project of the NGO Small Heart with Art, which was implemented, protected, and received state support - the state institution Superheroes School was founded to provide the educational process in children's hospitals in Ukraine.

Come to the defense of

Even in a hospital, every child should have a childhood and a space to be a child without diagnoses. That is why the Superheroes School should be a modern educational space from which you do not want to leave.

Interested in a franchise?

We will gladly answer the question.



If your hospital needs medicines during the war, please create a list of needed items in a Word file.

Fill in the form below and upload the file.

If you have any questions, write to

We will try to do our best!

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